Let's Journey together

The Creation Code

Recapture your feminine soul and create all your desires.

Divine Feminine Energy lies within the womb of every woman, waiting to birth your new creation

recapture your feminine soul

Get ready to receive the sacred womb wisdom you were born to own. Tapping into this power and influence nurtures you to create the life you desire, whether through a business, a baby, or a book.

Over the course of 4 weeks, you'll learn about the four phases of birth: Conception, Growth, Birth, and Nurture. We'll dive deep into the Divine Feminine Energy and in the process, discover we are capable of creating anything we desire.

We'll sync up with the lunar cycle, the seasons, the menstrual cycle, and the planting cycle, recapturing the womb wisdom critical to the 4 phases of creation. Step boldly into a deeper understanding of self will awaken your potential to bring about powerful and beautiful awakenings within your world.

This journey will hold you safe as you step boldly into the Divine Feminine.

I loved this course! I wasn't sure what to expect, but I knew I needed something to motivate me to get a project underway that I'd been stuck procrastinating over for too long. Learning how to harness the moons energy to help me manage my own energy was a huge breakthrough! I would recommend the Creation Code to anyone who needs a dose of motivation!




Within us all is the power to BIRTH something new. We can draw on the divine feminine energy to get the ball rolling, calling on the sacred knowledge within the WOMB to awaken your potential and your feminine SOUL.


Call forth your inner creativity to build and design whatever is stirring within. When we live AUTHENTICALLY in our womb space, we are capable of creating anything we DESIRE and living a fulfilling and rewarding LIFE.


As we give rise to and honour this sacred journey, you will transition through a rite of passage from MAIDEN to MOTHER and beyond. Together we will remember how to connect to this ancient WISDOM and reclaim our inner power.

your journey starts here.

Begin your journey with the New Moon, a time of manifestation and new beginnings. Here we will plant the seed of your new creation. Begin to understand the powerful energy of Mother Nature's cycles and their significance to you as a Divine Feminine Being.

Week Two: GROWTH

Channel the energy of spring growth with the First Quarter Waxing Moon. Capture this energy and learn how to apply it to the development of your Divine Feminine Power.

Week Three: BIRTH
With the Full Moon energy, embrace the Sexy, luxurious vibe of summer. Learn to savour and appreciate everything. Greet the fun and joy of this season and get ready to play!

Week Four: NURTURE
Under the influence of the Last Quarter Waning Moon, cozy into the chill and calm of Autumn. Wrap up the details and turn inwards to mother your new creation, taking it to its completion.

Your path to creation

“The Creation Code was the best choice I’ve made for growing my business, hands down. Sam's a freaking creative genius!” 


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