sam bell inspired

hey, friend!

Are you Ready to Become the Best Version of Yourself?  

Hey You, the DAUGHTER, the MOTHER, the SISTER!
You've shouldered the burden long enough. You've taken care of everything for so long, you are on autopilot. Getting through life without really living. Life is GOOD but you know it could be BETTER. In your heart you know you are destined for MORE. I’m here, waiting and committed to guide you back to your heart's wisdom lying within your mother-daughter relationship.

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I’m Sam. Coach, Educator, Healer. Speaker, Writer, Podcaster. Achiever. Hype Woman and
Red Wine Loving Baseball Mama!

I'm a big dreamer obsessed with puppies, cats, chocolate, travel, and sunshine. I put my crystals out on a full moon and am happiest walking barefoot in nature. I believe EVERY WOMAN deserves the opportunity to achieve her FULLEST POTENTIAL and that our soul's wisdom lies within the relationship we have with our mothers. Good. Bad. Otherwise.

here's what i do:



No more wheel spinning. No more STUCK!
Helping women become the best version of themselves while pursuing the kind of life they actually want is my SUPERPOWER!
Stop going through the motions and START LIVING! LET'S DO THIS!

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LIVE your life with reckless abandon!
It's time to get off autopilot mode and FIRE up your life.
Let me help you find
SUCCESS doing what you LOVE!

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Get your dose of inspiration to
 the heart-centred woman who WANTS MORE!
Tune in to be INSPIRED
or be an INSPIRATIONAL guest! 

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“When I first heard Sam speak on stage, I thought she's talking about me!
I knew I had to work with her!
She totally gets me!” 


ENFJ + Enneagram 2.
 The PROTAGONIST. I walk the walk and talk the talk. Nothing makes me happier that motivating people and celebrating their wins! 

I can help because I've been there. 
10 years ago, I was DEFEATED, BROKE, TIRED and OVERWHELMED. I had spent my life drifting from one crisis to the next and was frustrated that I had no idea how to break this unhealthy cycle.
Back then, I had absolutely no idea that the RELATIONSHIP I had with my MOTHER had influenced every single area of my life. Had I known then what I know now, I'd have stopped spinning my wheels. I have BROKEN THE CYCLE and now LOVE LIVING my LIFE! You can too.

About me


FREE 15 Minute Intuitive Reading

Are you curious to hear what messages your Spirit Guides or Angels have for you at this time in your life? Book your complimentary Intuitive Reading with Sam today!


Top resources

My Top 5 Secrets
to JOY Revealed

We ALL deserve JOY. It is the secret sauce for living life with PASSION + PURPOSE. Every. Damn. Day. I have it. And I want you to have it too! Grab this FREE guide to discover my top 5 tips to bring JOY into your life NOW!


The Daughters Guide  FREE Chapter

Grab a FREE chapter from my book 'The Daughters Guide To: Dealing with a Difficult (or Toxic) Mother. Probably the most valuable chapter in the guide
and it's yours FREE!


Short Story

Distillery squid humblebrag. Glossier church-key subway tile squid, artisan pop-up pok pok letterpress disrupt.



Helping women show up in life with the courage to discover their


We ALL deserve JOY. It is the secret sauce for living life with
Every. Damn. Day.
I have it. And I want you to have it too.
If I can be that permission granting, way finding, joy igniting person in your life, that whispers in your ear "you've got this girlfriend!" when you really think you haven't,
I'll consider my job done.  

our services

Take the first step to finding JOY.

Join the community for your DIRECT LINE to healing. The newsletter is packed full of tools you can use to find your JOY and leap out of bed in the morning.

Healing can start from your inbox. Sign up today and find your light.

yes, I'm in!

Your direct line to healing is right here. Subscribe today.

The underlying belief of this healing program is that we each have the power to be in perfect health. Just as we can set the intention to manifest whatever we desire, the evidence proves we can manifest our own perfect health. We work with the 3 minds (conscious, unconscious, higher conscious) and the physical body to change your life. Our results include: reduction of pain, anxiety, depression and stress. Improved sleep, wound healing and faster recovery time after surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and improved control of chronic diseases such as diabetes.

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